What is Reiki?
I get this question a lot, and it's not the easiest to answer! It's hard to explain something that we can't see or fully understand. It's certainly not black or white - and can take our rational, science, fact driven brains a while to get on board.
So I'll try and write it out, and you're just going to have to trust me that it's awesome (and it works).
Reiki is a holistic energetic treatment that helps the body to heal physical or emotional ailments and correct imbalances. It originates from Japan and has slowly made its way into the Western world (thank goodness!)
It's a hands on or off treatment that works with the energy of the body, it can shift stagnant energy, cut energetic cords, or release negative energy. It leaves you feeling relaxed, grounded and balanced. It's like a warm, comforting hug that helps you to tune in to your inner calm.
Beautiful reiki can help with:
Physical injuries
In fact, it is now being recognised throughout the scientific community as a tangible and measurable therapy (watch this space for a blog post on this topic).
Reiki and I:
Everyone's reiki journey is totally different and each individual person will have a completely unique experience when they receive reiki healing. But...here's my story.
A year and a half ago I was suffering from low self confidence and anxiety, it was affecting my work and my relationships. I had sought help from two different therapists but I left sessions feeling deflated and flat. I was in Bondi one morning having a coffee and I picked up a postcard advertising reiki healings. Later on that day I visited the website and the reiki healer turned out to be my favourite yoga teacher. The universe had heard me and sent me a sign! Love you universe! I quickly booked in and had magical weekly sessions.
For me, reiki gave me space to let go and release without having to talk too much, I started to feel more grounded and settled, I was able to spend an hour in meditation and bliss away from any stressful or anxious thoughts. I walked away from sessions with a big smile on my face. Sometimes I felt more of shift than others, sometimes the release came the week after the session rather than during it. But, bit by bit the healing happened.
Your story will be different, your energy experience will be unique to you, but if healing is something that you need don't dismiss reiki as a tool to help you. Please drop me a message if you have any questions on reiki or want to learn a bit more.