Let’s love mornings


For many people mornings suck. They mean falling out of bed still tired and longing for a lie in or a hit of coffee. They mean stressing about what’s on today’s to do list. They mean rushing through a boring routine and then struggling through the pains of public transport to get to work.

Let’s turn this morning hate around. 

Mornings can be amazing if we change our perspective a little. I’ve written out a few thought starters below, you’ve probably thought about doing these things or read about them before but trust me on this, mornings will soon become your favourite time of day if you take even just one of these points onboard.

Get up early 
I never used to be an early riser but now I’m addicted. Having time before work to do something for me, even if it’s just 15 minutes in a coffee shop, makes all the difference to my day. 

If you can, get up a couple of hours before work to enjoy that special energy that the morning brings. 

Go outside
So, you’ve gotten up earlier! Now try to step outside. Getting into nature is such an amazing way to help calm stress and anxiety. Take a small walk to your favourite coffee shop, or down to a park or the beach, or even just a quick stroll round the block. 

Once a month try to get up to watch the sunrise - it’s magical and really helps put all of life’s stresses back into perspective. 

Practice yoga, breathing or meditation (or all 3)
Try to put aside 10 or 20 minutes in your morning to do some meditation, breathing techniques, slow sun salutations or even journaling. There are lots of meditation apps that you can plug into and yoga videos you can follow for a quick morning stretch and flow. Or please feel free to contact me and I can give you some exercises that are easy to slot into your morning routine. 

Making the time for some mindfulness can really set up the day for success. You’ll feel calmer, more energised and ready to roll. Plus, moving our bodies first thing in the morning helps to clear toxins out of our fascia and connective tissue and supports the digestive system as well. 

Put good things into your body
Drink a large glass of warm or hot water with lemon to further support the cleansing process of the body that happened overnight. 

I’m a huge coffee lover and find I’m sluggish before I’ve had my coffee. I’ve recently discovered ‘Chill’ balm from Perfect Potions, its got a real peppermint zing to it and if I rub some into my temples or into my hands and take a couple of deep breaths it really wakes me up! Potentially a more natural and less addictive option to coffee! I’ll get back to you on that one, my almond flat white is still my weakness! 

Like all things in life everything comes with practice and routine. Try to start with one of the above and go from there. You’ll start to notice shifts and changes in your health, body and mind. Morning love is on its way! 

Daily LifeAlexandra Shiel