Say hello to the present
Recently I’ve been working with the intention ‘I am present’. I find that days and weeks are slipping by, especially during these ‘new-normal’ times where the hours seem to blur into one long endless day. I find myself daydreaming of future plans, holidays or milestones. Can’t wait to get on a plane again. Can’t wait until I start teaching at new Yoga studios. Can’t wait to move into my new flat. Can’t wait until Christmas.
Yes, daydreaming is wonderful and fanciful and full of sparkles but it’s not real. Leaving the present moment and obsessing about the future can lead to our biggest enemy: stress. It means we see things as we believe them to be not as they actually are.
Becoming more aware and grounded in the present moment can help us not only enjoy life to its fullest but deal with life’s challenges also. Here’s a few ways to try and stay connected to the present moment:
Change your routine
Many of us fall into the same routine day in and day out. Same alarm time, same coffee shop, same breakfast, same bus to work, same seat on the bus to work! Have a look at your morning routine and I bet you’ll notice some scary habits you’ve adopted.
Change it up. Eat something new for breakfast, walk part way to work, reverse the order that you get ready - brush your teeth first not your hair! It might feel strange, but it will stop you moving through the motions like a zombie and get you noticing your mornings.
Say goodbye to your phone
Our phones offer us an escape, allowing us to wave goodbye to our reality. Endlessly scrolling through newsfeeds can send you down a rabbit hole which you emerge from hours later wondering where the time went. How many times have you found yourself reaching for your phone when you’re watching a TV show, or halfway through a chapter of a book, or eating your dinner, or even talking to your partner?
Tip: implement a no phone hour in the evenings. Put it in your bedroom and engage in whatever you’re doing wholly, completely and fully.
Flow through a yoga class
Ironically I thought about this blog whilst I was in a yoga class, clearly not being present on my mat…BUT yoga can be a great way to spend an hour being fully present and aware. If you can move into that amazing meditation with the breath as you practice you’ll keep your mind focussed and still.
Whilst you’re practicing choose a few poses and ask yourself why you love the pose you’re in. In doing so you’ll bring your mind back to the asana that you’ve created with your body and find yourself paying attention to the moment you’re living.
Don’t forget to say hello to the present moment every once in a while, it’s a pretty good place to be x