How to add sparkle to your Monday


Unfortunately, Monday’s have gotten a pretty bad rep over time. Posts about Sunday and Monday blues scatter social media feeds as the sun sets on the weekend. I’m sure everyone’s experienced that fluttery stomach when thinking about the week ahead and no one likes to wave goodbye to two days of freedom and step into five days of 9 to 5 corporate life.  

All of the below is easier said than done, I know, but maybe a few of these tricks will help you add a bit more laughter and light to Monday. 

It all starts with a good Sunday night.

Get your act together on a Sunday night to avoid last-minute panics on Monday morning. Spend time meal prepping some healthy meals that you know you’ll look forward to come Monday lunchtime. Pack your work bag and maybe even make your Monday list so that you can sleep easy knowing that Monday is already sorted. 

Do something fun on a Sunday night. It’s tempting to sit wrapped in a duvet in front of Netflix with a tub of ice cream mourning the weekend gone by. Try and step outside, go for one last delicious glass of wine, a beautiful yin yoga class or a sunset walk to utilise every last minute of your weekend.

Extend the weekend into Monday morning 

Why let the weekend stop on Sunday night? Plan a fun activity on a Monday morning with friends or a partner. Go on a sunrise walk, grab a coffee together, or even just spend time making a lovely breakfast to start the week off well. Getting up just that little bit earlier means that you get to have time for YOU before you head into work and get lost in email chains and meetings. 

Make time for some exercise or meditation

If you can, start your Monday with some movement, breathing techniques or meditation. It will help you blow those Monday blues away, get rid of any lingering hangovers from the weekend and get your energy levels up to start the week off right.  

Plan a fun week 

Finally, it is SO tempting to live for the weekend. To wish the days by and only breathe and relax when Friday afternoon comes. Try to incorporate some of the above into EVERY day of the week, make sure you have fun things in the diary so that you keep a healthy work life balance. 

Let me know how you get on!  

Sarah Ashe