Yoga Nidra: a holiday for the mind
Yoga Nidra or Yogic Sleep is a magically powerful meditation technique and one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and keep doing. It’s an ancient but lesser well known yogic practice and it’s a powerful tool for controlling your body’s relaxation response.
It can be as restorative as sleep (with some saying that an hour of Yoga Nidra can be equal to 4 hours of sleep). Whilst you, the practitioner, rests comfortably in Savasana the meditation takes you through the five layers of the self leaving you with a sense of completeness. You’ll build a deeper connection between mind and body, cultivate relaxation, ease stresses and feel your whole body melt away into a soothing state of being.
Why practice Yoga Nidra?
Improve sleep and reduce insomnia
Many of us struggle to drift off into the land of nod every night and without enough zzz’s we might experience burnout, depression and a weakened immune system. Incorporating Yoga Nidra just before bedtime will help you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep for longer. This is because Yoga Nidra slows the wavelengths in your mind and helps you enter a sleep like state.
2. Detach from your thoughts
During Yoga Nidra you’ll fall into a natural resting state. As your mind begins to quiet you’ll start to simply recognise your thoughts and then let them drift away. If practiced enough you might be able to take this into your every day life.
3. Let go of stress and anxiety
Research into Yoga Nidra have revealed improvements in the emotional self to include reduced levels of depression, stress and anxiety and an increase in mood and wellbeing. Through promoting deep rest, that isn’t found in your average meditation practice, Yoga Nidra can calm the nervous system leading to lower stress levels and improved health.
4. Connect with your ‘self’
Many of us live day to day detached from our ‘self’ to some extent. Giving yourself this time to practice Yoga Nidra is saying yes to focusing on YOUR health and wellness. During Yoga Nidra you’ll be encouraged to set an intention - this might help you to let go of past negative thoughts or to live more fully in the present moment.
Is Yoga Nidra for me?
If you have any doubts it’s time to let those go! Yoga Nidra is one of the easiest yogic practices to develop - there are no head stands, no long hold, bendy yoga poses and no risk of causing physical injury.
Anyone can do Yoga Nidra: from children to seniors - it’s easy to follow at any age. All you need to do is lie down on the floor or sit comfortably and let your mind follow the guided practice.
It’s easy to incorporate into your daily life: it can be as short or as long as you want it to be, it can be carried out just before bedtime, it’s guided so there’s no risk of spending hours staring at the wall wondering why enlightenment isn’t happening for you.
You can’t get it wrong!: all you have to do is follow the voice guiding you.
Here’s how to set up:
Give yourself time to get to your session and get comfortable - this will mean you arrive feeling calm instead of frazzled
Wear comfortable clothes, consider wearing socks to keep yourself cozy
Use a blanket and something to cover your eyes - an eye pillow or even a folded dry flannel
Light a candle or diffuse some calming oils (Lavender is great for this!)
Leave your phone outside the room
Have some water or tea ready for when you’ve finished the practice
Then relax, breathe and enjoy.