Good morning yoga, goodbye period cramps
Maybe you’re one of those people who can skip to a yoga class full of beans or maybe you prefer lying in Savasana, in your bed, whilst you binge watch a Netflix series. Our time of the month often comes with painful, inconvenient and uncomfortable side effects so it’s not surprising that curling up under a blanket and snuggling a hot water bottle is what most of us long to do.
However, you might be interested to know that rolling out your mat and sighing into some yoga poses can help to ease cramps, headaches, anxiety, PMS and other unwelcome period-related symptoms.
I’ve rounded up 6 easy yoga poses that will help you to wave goodbye to those pesky period side effects:
During our period our energy level is at its lowest so all of the recommended poses are very gentle, nourishing and calming and can be done in your own home, with a blanket, hot water bottle, pillows and cup of tea nearby. Plus, you don’t have to commit to an hour of practice, even five minutes of yoga will help some of your most persistent period pains disappear.
1. Butterfly pose - Baddha Konasana
Butterfly pose is perfect for relieving menstrual cramps, it also works wonders in massaging the digestive system which can help with an upset tummy if that’s something that you experience during your time of the month. If you’re feeling tired spend some time here, it’s an energising posture so will give you a bit of a lift.
2. Reclined butterfly - Supta Baddha Konasana
Reclined butterfly is similar to butterfly pose but you’re leaning back instead of folding forwards. By leaning back into the posture your abdominal muscles relax which can help to ease cramps. Why not cover yourself in a blanket, reach for your hot water bottle and spend some time here. It’s a gorgeous, calming place to be and can help you get rid of period-induced anxiety.
3. Knees to chest pose
This is one of the most effective for menstrual pain, and it’s so easy to do. It’s a feel-good posture that relaxes the lower back and abdominal muscles helping to relieve tension and reduce pain. This pose also increases circulation to the abdomen, stimulates the internal organs, softens the mind and can help to reduce stress.
4. Child’s pose - Balasana
Child’s pose releases tension across your back, shoulders and neck as well as giving your internal organs a juicy, internal massage. It also provides a light belly compression which is ideal when you’re in a world of cramping pain. Breathe deeply into your belly to help aid the massage.
5. Wide angle seated forward bend - Upavistha Konasana
This deep stretch will stimulate your abdominal organs helping to alleviate painful cramps. It’s also a soothing pose that will help stresses and anxiety to float away.
6. Legs up the wall pose - Viparita Karani
Ahhh ending on a goody! Legs up the wall pose improves circulation and digestion, boosts energy levels and soothes the nervous system. By spending time in this chill posture you can work to breathe your cramps away, or even place your hot water bottle on your belly to really get them gone.
Beyond the physical
If these poses still feel like a stretch too far then there are other yogic practices that could work just as well.
Light a candle, turn out the lights, get cosy and breathe. A short meditation or breathing exercise will help to balance your emotions, calm the mind and can also be beneficial in easing physical pain. Aim for deep, slow breaths and send them deep down into your belly to help work through your cramps.
Find your flow
Even if you can’t summon up the energy to pull on your Lulu Lemons and head to an in-studio class, doing some or all of these yoga poses at home in your PJs will help you to manage your period pains. Remember, sugary snacks and a Netflix binge are only temporary fixes - a gentle yoga practice will help you feel better for longer and is a great alternative to taking pain relievers.
Just make sure you go at your own pace and keep breathing!
If it’s your time of the month and you’re suffering drop me a message and I can guide you through these poses and some other remedies that might help x